Keynote speakers

INCLUDiT VI will count with the presence of distinguished guests, experts in several areas related to the conference theme.

Romeu Sassaki

Rodrigo Santos

Eva Navarro

Romeu Sassaki – Confirmed

Foto a cores de Romeu Sassaki. Rosto rosado claro, olhos escuros e semicerrados por trás de uns óculos arredondados. Calvo no topo da cabeça, cabelos curtos e brancos dos lados.

Professor Romeu Sassaki has been working for 60 years practicing the inclusion of people with disabilities in: labor market, basic education, higher education, human rights movement, training of professionals, through psycho social rehabilitation, supported employment, consulting to companies and writing books

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Rodrigo Santos – Confirmed

Foto a cores de Rodrigo Godinho Santos na 11°assembleia geral da EBU. Rodrigo, de cabelo muito curto, pele rosada, olhos cerrados e com camisa branca segura um microfone perto da boca e encontra-se sentado, junto de um homem com auscultadores. À sua frente, uma mesa com um pano azul e um placard com o logo da União Europeia de Cegos que refere "11th EBU General Assembly, Rome, Italy, October 28-30, 2019, Portugal" e uma bandeira pequena de Portugal. Por trás, outras mesas longas com várias pessoas sentadas e algumas de pé.Rodrigo Godinho Santos holds associative positions in national entities of ACAPO – Associação dos Cegos e Amblíopes de Portugal (association of the blind and amblyopes of Portugal), where he followed different subjects such as international relationships, interests representation, as well as training and self-representation of people with disabilities, being integrated in several working groups and public commissions. Since 2019 he has been an elected member of the Board of the European Blind Union, an institution with which he has been collaborating for some years, coordinating the publication “A new look at our human rights” in 2017.

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Eva Navarro – Confirmed

Sobre o fundo negro um rosto alongado, com pele rosada, olhos castanhos, lábios vermelhos. Cabelo castanho escuro e curto

Eva Navarro Martínez has a PhD in Humanities and Hispanic Philology, writer and artist. She studied Arts at the Gerrit Rietvel Academy in Amsterdam and has a Masters in Artistic Research (University of Amsterdam) and a Masters in Communication with Social Purposes from the University of Valladolid. She is currently professor of Critical Theory of Culture and Media Literacy at UVa, Segovia, and member of the Chair in Gender Studies. She has taught and lectured in conferences at different universities and European centers.

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